Cloudbeds and Lightspeed R-Series

  1. How to sign up for lightspeed?

    • Please contact your lightspeed account manager or email and we will get you started.
  2. How to connect lightspeed R-Series with Cloudbeds for the first time?

    1. Login to your Cloudbeds Account and click on the Account icon in the top right.

    2. Select Apps and Marketplace and search for the "Lightspeed R" app, select Learn More, and then click on Connect App.
      Cloudbeds marketplace lightspeed
    3. Review the required permissions and authorize the integration.
      Cloudbeds Authorize Lightspeed
    4. During setup you will need to select if you want tax-inclusive or exclusive setup.
    5. During setup you will need to select if you want full revenue posting
  3. Specific functionality of the integration.

    • We support the following functions:
    • Room charges from lightspeed retail to Cloubbeds guest folios.
    • Revenue posting from lightspeed retail to Cloudbeds including check level details
    • Split payment charges from lightspeed retail to Cloudbeds guest folios.
  4. What are the limitations of the integration?

    • Requires a Web Browser
  5. How to disconnect the apps?

    • Contact your lightspeed account manager or email and request a disconnect for your account.
    • You can also visit Disconnect app to see how to disconnect it from Cloudbeds.
  6. How do I map the payment method in lightspeed to use for Cloudbeds room charges?

    1. Login to your datastems portal at
    2. Once logged in you will see this screen:
      Data Stems PMS Dashboard
    3. Click sync company in the upper right corner
    4. Once synced, select details on the left side.
    5. On the details page, you can select and edit the mapping of your revenue centers, itemizers, categories, and payment options.
      Cloudbeds Lightspeed R-Series Mapping
  7. How to post a room charge?

    1. Create a sale and press the Cloudbeds button.
      Cloudbeds Lightspeed R-Series Payment Select

    2. Enter the amount of the payment in the top box and then enter the Room number OR Last name and press the Search button
      Search by room number or guest name:

      Cloudbeds Lightspeed R Series Guest Search

    3. Select the guest by name who you would like to charge and you will see this screen:
      Cloudbeds Lightspeed R-Series Room Charge Processing 

    4. Posting was successful.
      Cloudbeds Lightspeed R-Series Room Payment Successful

    5. Lightspeed receipt example
      Cloudbeds Lightspeed R-Series Room Payment Receipt
    6. Here is what the transaction looks like within Cloudbeds
      Lightspeed transaction within cloudbeds
  8. How to Split Payments

    1. Set the amount you want to pay via guest room in the upper box.

      Cloudbeds Lightspeed R-Series Split Payment
    2. The rest of the process is the same as a typical sale in lightspeed

  • How to get support?

  • FAQ

    1. Do you support full revenue sync (house account charges) or only room charges?
      1. We support both. You can request how you would like it setup at the time of implementation and switch it anytime.
    2. Are the house accounts automatically created?
      1. They are manually created in Cloudbeds. We pull the information via API and show them in our mapping tool.
    3. How often are the house charges updated?
      1. You can choose how often you would like the charges synced. Select every 5 min, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, or once per day.
    4. How often are room charges updated in Cloudbeds?
      1. They are updated in real time.